Petition to Enact Ranked Choice Voting, Proportional Representation, and Consolidated Elections in Ventura County and Its Cities.
What Am I Signing?
The following is a petition asking elected officials to enact ranked choice voting and proportional ranked-choice voting where applicable. It also asks them to eliminate primaries and two-round runoffs and replace them with a single November election using ranked choice voting.
A threshold of 3.5% of all legal residents has been established for the County and its ten incorporated cities. When the necessary volume of signatures has been gathered, the petition, along with the signatures of all applicable residents, will be delivered to the County Board of Supervisors and/or City Councils.
Your personal information will only be used for this petition, updates on our group’s progress, and invitations to related events in your area. When you submit your signature, you will be able to opt out of updates and invitations.
The Petition
“WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, PETITION the County of Ventura Board of Supervisors to pass an ordinance implementing ranked choice voting for all County elections. This would replace our current system of plurality, winner-take-all elections and eliminate the two-round runoff model, resulting in a single, high-turnout election in November of each election year.
Furthermore, we petition the [See Undersigned] City Council to pass an ordinance implementing ranked choice voting for all elected offices and proportional ranked choice voting for all City Council seats. This would replace the city’s current model of plurality, winner-take-all elections, and replace single-winner districts with multi-member districts or a proportional at-large format for all City Council elections.
We State or Believe:
Petitioners are residents of Ventura County and the City of [See Undersigned.]
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) gives voters more choices, encourages more participation from prospective candidates, and creates a less hostile campaign environment focusing more on issues and substance.
Proportional Ranked Choice Voting (PRCV) produces better, more equitable results than plurality at-large or plurality in single-winner districts when electing members to a City Council.
Primaries generally see very low voter participation, and two-round runoff formats, such as County Board of Supervisor races, create a needlessly long and expensive campaign season, effectively barring large segments of the population from seeking office. RCV allows all elections to be consolidated, dramatically increases voter turnout, and shortens the campaign season.
Implementing upgrades to our elections will reinvigorate our political process, invite new and previously unheard voices to participate in government, and enable unrepresented or underrepresented groups to win fair representation within our elected bodies.
The Undersigned.”
Your Signature
To sign this petition, you must be a legal resident of Ventura County. By signing this petition, you permit your name and address to be added to the list of signatures that will be presented to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors and your local City Council.